In which countries can I be notified on new regulatory notices?
Discovery Alerts for regulatory notices are available in the following countries:
- Argentina
- Australia
- Brazil
- Canada
- Canadian Provinces:
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- Ontario
- Quebec
- Saskatchewan
- Chile
- Colombia
- France
- Germany
- India
- Indonesia
- Mexico
- Peru
- Russia
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- United Kingdom
How do I view International Regulations in my Inbox?
To view the regulations that have been added to your alerts, go to the Discovery Alerts page and filter for the International Regulations content type:
Can I only be alerted on new Final regulations or new Proposed regulations?
You will be alerted on all new regulations from your selected countries, regardless of status. Only State Regulation Discovery Alerts allow you to choose between "On Proposal" regulations and "On Final" regulations.
Can I mark a regulation in my alerts as "irrelevant"?
Yes, you can mark a regulation as irrelevant by clicking on the thumbs down icon.
Can I add a regulation in my alerts to an Issue?
Yes, you can add a regulation in your alerts to your Issue. Please refer to this article: How to Save Discovery Alerts to An Issue
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