If you'd like to report on the bills in multiple Issues, you can easily create a report by hovering over the Reports icon in the navigation panel on the left side of the screen and selecting "Create Report" to view the Data tab on the Reporting page.
The Data tab allows you to apply multiple filters to either make the content of your report more specific or more broad:
- Label: Filter for bills with specific labels. Use the "OR" and "AND" operators when filtering for multiple labels
- Issue: Filter for bills in Personal, Organizational and Group Issues. Click on each category and then select each Issue
- Legislature: Filter for bills in certain legislatures
- Session: Filter for bills in a specific session. This will filter for bills in the current session by default
- Priority: Filter for bills with a certain priority (High, Med, Low and None)
- Position: Filter for bills with a certain position (Support, Monitor, Oppose and None)
- Status: Filter bills in a specific stage of the legislative process (Introduced/Prefiled, Passed First Chamber, Passed Second Chamber, Vetoed, Failed, Sine Die - Failed, Enacted)
- Date Range: Filter bills with a last action in a certain time frame.
After you've selected your desired filters, click on "Save Default" to save your filters for the future. When you want to create another report with the same filters, simply click on "Load Default" to reload the filters you previously saved.
Action Bar
After you've applied your filters, you can use the action bar to perform bulk actions on your bills.
- Search bar: Search across items
- Currently showing: Depending on the content you're subscribed to, you can toggle between international and domestic legislative and regulatory data sets. You can also change the sorting options (Last Action Date, State/Bill Number, Pre-floor Forecast, Floor Forecast, Status) and order (ascending or descending)
- Selected: Click here to select all bills on the current page, select all or deselect all
- After selecting, click on "Create Report" to build your report.
Note: We are constantly rolling out updates and making improvements to the platform. Please help us keep the Help Center up to date by reporting any information that may need some updating at support@fiscalnote.com.
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