The FiscalNote Legislator Page contains in-depth information and analysis for every member of Congress and state legislatures. The Legislator Page serves as a resource for the following:
- Biographical information
- Contact information for the legislator and their staff
- The legislator’s involvement in the legislature through committee membership and bill sponsorship
- Analysis of the legislator’s stances and effectiveness
- Your organization’s own relationship with the elected official
Legislator Biographical Information
In the "Overview" tab, you'll find the "Basic Information" section, containing:
Biographical Information
- Full Name
- Name Pronunciation (where available)
- Party
- Chamber
- Years in Office
- Re-election Year
- Biography
Legislator & Staff Contact Information
- Email address
- Phone number
- Address
- Twitter handle
- Facebook profile
The Contact and Staff tab at the top will give you information for each of the legislator’s offices, and you can use the dropdown to change between different types of addresses—Office, District, and Capitol, depending on the legislator.
What is the Legislator’s Involvement with the Legislature?
To learn more about the legislator’s involvement in their legislature, you can look to the committees they serve on and the bills they’ve sponsored. The "Overview" tab has a section at the top right for committees, which shows the committees that the legislator is a member of in the current session. You can filter by year to find out what committees the legislator has served on in the past.
To see what bills the legislator has sponsored, click on the Sponsored Bills tab at the top. You will see all bills they’ve sponsored and can search through them by keyword. At the right is their voting record—any bills in your Issues and any bills the legislator has voted on will appear in that view by default, and clicking the All tab in that section of the page will show you all votes the legislator has cast. Particularly for Bills in Issues, indicating your Position will help show to what degree the legislator aligns with or opposes your policy preferences.
The two other uses for the Legislator Page are analyzing the legislator’s stance and effectiveness and assessing or inputting information about your organization’s own relationship with the elected official.
Information about the legislator's stance and effectiveness are all in page sections on the Overview tab, such as our Ideology and Legislator Similarity scores. The Actions and Notes tabs will be your resource for working with your organization’s information about the legislator.
Please refer to Taking Personal and Organizational Notes and Logging Actions to learn more about using Notes and Actions.
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