Before creating a Report, you'll need to select legislation or regulation from either the Data tab of an Issue or the Reporting page. At least one item must be selected to start the process of creating a Report.
Selecting Items on the Data Tab
Selecting Items on the Reporting Page
Selecting Items on the Data Tab
To select one or more items for a Report, mark the checkboxes to the left of each item. You may manual add or remove checkmarks, or use the bulk add/remove checkboxes in the upper left of the item table to select/deselect all items.
Selecting Items on the Reporting Page
Before you can select items to include in a Report while on the Reporting page, you must choose the Issues from which you will select items.
You may manually select individual Issues.
You may also "Select all" Issues across all three types Organization, Group, Personal). The global "Select all" will transition to "Deselect all" when selections have been made; clicking "Deselect all" will deselect all previous selection across types.
There is a checkbox within each type that says "Select all" which will allow you to select all Issues within that type.
Building and Editing a Report
Once you've selected the bills, press the button to launch the "Build Your Own Report" modal.
There are two kinds of reports you can build in FiscalNote:
- Weekly Legislative Update: pre-made template that you can edit
- Custom Report: add elements (graphs, maps and text) to create your own template
Add Element / Edit Element
- You have a choice of adding 4 types of elements: column chart, pie graph, map, actions graph
- Hover over an element to reveal icons for editing the element
- Rename the element and adjust the format of content by clicking the pencil icon
- Adjust size of each element with the double-sided arrow
- Move elements around using the up and down arrows
- Discard an element with the trashcan icon
Add your logo
- Hover over "Your logo here" to reveal the pencil icon
- Click the pencil icon next to the “Add Logo” box
Select an image from your device to include as your logo
- Your image must be less than 250KB in size
Edit Report Title
- Hover over the title to reveal the pencil icon
- Click into the title field and type/edit the title
- Click the green Save button to complete the title
Add Executive Summary
- You can add custom text here such as a summary of the report you're creating
Edit Team Actions
- Click the pencil to edit the title of this element
- You can choose to include team actions from all time or just the last 7 days
Edit Bills by Issue
- Click the pencil to edit what information you want to include about the bills you’re following
- Add a title, and change how you want the bills grouped and sorted in the report
- Now choose the bill fields you'd like included. You can choose to include linked actions as well as notes taken on these bills.
Then once you’re ready, scroll to the top of the report and click the green button.
Once you've saved your reports, you can access them on the Reports page.
Note: We are constantly rolling out updates and making improvements to the platform. Please help us keep the Help Center up to date by reporting any information that may need some updating at
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